The Real Estate Closing Process in Mexico

The Real Estate Closing Process in Mexico

As your retirement nears, and the USA continues to decline in standards of living and quality of life, that Mexico vacation and retirement home may seem more attractive than ever. Here’s what you need to know to purchase one. Mexico Real Estate does not need to be confusing.

Mexico Homes are still affordable and well worth the investment and time spent finding and purchasing one. Living in Mexico certainly has advantages for many, many foreigners who come and stay – from every corner of the world. If you’ve found your home and you’re ready to buy, or you just want a primer on what it takes, this article is designed to assist you.

It is very important to have a Mexico lawyer as you start the negotiating process, whether your buying in Mexico’s restricted zone or not. The restricted zone includes everything 60 km from the coastline and 100 km from International Borders. Your lawyer is an expert at detecting any problems early on, and they are absolutely necessary to formalize the agreement contract that is drawn up during the private negotiations part of the sale. The private negotiation determines all of the following steps:

Price and Currency

Closing Time

Payment Method


Down Payment Amount and Transfer Method

For properties in the restricted zone, a fideicomiso or purchase trust needs to be established. The Notario Publico will quote you a price for this and for the costs of formalizing the contract. Real Estate Agents and Lawyers who do property transfers tend to work regularly with the same Notario. This quote will include costs for:

Fees for the Trustees and Permits

Taxes & any Government Fees

Appraisal Cost

Registration Cost

The costs to the Notario will normally be paid in advance and prior to delivery of any documentation. Then you’ll need to deliver the following documents:

Passport and Visa

The present title for the home

Tax Records of the Property being purchased

Beneficiary Passports or Identification for homes being purchased through a trust.

The Notario may ask for some other records, but purchasing home tends to be a bit easier than selling one. Assembling and delivering all of this documentation does require a lawyer whose job it is to guarantee that the documentation submitted is complete and accurate.

The Notario, who is also a lawyer, uses the complete, compiled documentation to apply for a permit from the Foreign Affairs Ministry, a process that takes about 3 weeks to a month to receive. When it arrives, all parties meet to review and revise the transaction, the Notario will sign the deed and payment needs to be made. The property is transferred and all other payments need to be settled.

You should request a notarized copy of the deed, though the Notario will keep the official title on file. This copy can serve as a property title during the 1 to 3 months it takes to deliver you an actual title and it will allow you to greatly ease the process of selling the property later.

Lastly the Notario communicates the transaction to the local registry to report the closing. You then receive a Testimonio from the Notario, which proves that the transaction was legal, taxes are paid, and the whole thing was registered with the Public Registry.

It may sound like a lot, but there is nothing to compare with a Mexican home for retirement or vacation.…

7 Reasons Why Investing in Vail is a Smart Move

7 Reasons Why Investing in Vail is a Smart Move

Purchasing property in beautiful Vail, Colorado, offers many benefits to the buyer including seven we’ll mention here. Property values over the past few years have retreated from their all-time high levels making Vail and surrounding communities a much better value for investor and traditional home owner alike.

1. You like the area — You have to be a big fan of winter if you choose Vail because snow is part of every day life for about half the year. When the snow melts, the town ramps up its cultural offerings, hosting numerous art and musical festivals until the slopes open up again in November.

2. You love nature — Vail residents are sensitive to the environment and the impact that they have on the area. That’s why new construction is carefully planned, allowing for natural setbacks and smart land use. Strike out on your own to track bear, deer, mountain goats and other wildlife or join up with the Vail Nature Center, provider of guided tours throughout the area.

3. You want privacy, but prize accessibility — Some Vail homes are smack in the middle of town, offering foot access to shops and the slopes. Other homes are tucked away, providing a high level of privacy. In both cases area homes are less than two hours away from the Denver metropolitan area, the most important metropolis in the Mountain West.

4. You want to relax — You can lose the hustle and bustle of life once you’re living in Vail. Life is fast going down the slopes, on the trails and around the rink, but that is something of your own doing. The Tyrolean look of Vail village hearkens to a relaxing, bygone era although you’re never completely cut off from the world no matter where you travel these days.

5. You love history — The Vail ski resort was opened in 1962 and the town incorporated in 1966, but nearby communities including Minturn trace their origins to when the railroad first crossed through the area in the 1880s. Abandoned mines and Native American artifacts can be found across the Vail Valley, underscoring the rich history of Vail Valley.

6. You want to invest — Though home to 4,500 permanent residents, an additional 5,000 people consider Vail their second home, having invested in condos or a vacation home to get their stake in the community. From one bedroom condominiums to lavish estates, the housing stock in Vail Valley is diverse.

7. You want to leave a legacy — Whether purchasing your home as a vacation retreat, primary residence or as an investment, your property can be of lasting value to your heirs including your children and grandchildren. Of course, you need to work with your tax attorney to make sure that your Vail home passes to your children with a minimum tax burden.

Beyond Vail proper, there are many communities to consider including East Vail, West Vail, Minturn, Eagle, Basalt, Red Cliff and others. Home prices range from the tens of millions down to the 200s, a wide variety of properties for your consideration.…

Marketing Strategies for Vacation Rentals

Marketing Strategies for Vacation Rentals

If you have holiday houses to rent, you need to imply good marketing techniques for getting a better business. During the past, the concept of vacation rentals was not so popular and hence the availability of promotion methods was limited to a few local avenues. Main marketing means were print advertising, flyers handed out or hung around town, postcards left in local establishments and of course word of mouth. The marketing strategies for holiday cottages have attained a new status with the advent of internet. Now it is easy to promote your holiday villa across the globe relatively easily and inexpensively. Either you can create your own website or take the service from listing sites that draw the traffic for you.

It is no longer a tough task to buy a domain and hosting package and promote the vacation rentals online. Moreover you don’t have to be an experienced web designer to make use of the marketing strategies in this manner. There are many programs that have default settings to make the creation of a appealing website very easy. You need to make sure that your holiday homes website looks as professional as possible and contains attractive photos of the interior and exterior along with the details of the amenities provided. It is also essential to include information about the price and availability or else you can make the interested parties contact you for getting more information. But for proper communication, make sure that there is a way for the visitors to contact you. To be precise, your vacation rental site should serve as the online version of the glossy brochure that you intent to hand out to the prospective clients.

You would surely want to know about the benefits of holiday cottages rental websites even if you want to create your own website or just need an easy way to advertise your home. The sites would compile listings of homes for rent by owners or companies there by triggering the prospect renters to your door. Thus the marketing part is made easy. Mostly the vacation rentals website charge a small fee for your listings but the catch is that they allow you to incorporate photos, text and link to your site. Thus the interested clients can easily approach the owners of the holiday villas even if it is in Spain or Disneyland.

One important thing that has to be remembered always is that no matter which marketing techniques you use, it is indeed essential to put photos of your home taken to put on the web in the newspaper. Make sure that the home would look best and prepare it well. The lawns should be mowed, swimming pool area should be neat and clean, windows are spic and span and so on. You need to take a series of photos from several angles of the home so that the renter would get a clear picture of what to expect. For better results, you can add something to your home that would increase the appeal like colored curtains. Also it would be better to take some pictures at night time too. Rule of the thumb is to give people a reason to look more closely at what you have to offer in a vacation rental.…

A Vacation To Florida The Sunshine State

A Vacation To Florida The Sunshine State

Florida is known as the sunshine state owing to its warm and cozy climate which receives abundant sunshine throughout the year. It adopted the nickname “The Sunshine State” back in 1845 and is certainly a wonderful destination for your summer vacation. Tourists specifically love to tour Florida during summer time and you can find many of them looming around the streets and beaches of Florida in their summer clothes purchased specifically for their summer vacation. Are you tired of your mundane monotonous routine from work? Are you tired of working 24×7 all through the year catering your business and profession requirements? Are your children expecting to go for a vacation as their summer holidays close by? What more do you want to convince yourself to take a break and get to Florida? The state is literally filled with several vacation homes, villas popularly known as Florida villas or Orlando Villas, holiday homes, condos, hotels and motels for your lodging requirements when you get down there.

Florida is the home of world renowned Disney World, Universal Studios, Sea World and the list goes on. You can experience the wonderful Miami culture embellished with tropical beauty and southern hospitality that makes your trip certainly valuable and memorable for many years to come. It consists of 800 mile long ocean stretch filled with wonderful beaches for you to sit back, enjoy and relax yourself. Considering the fact that it has so much to offer Florida is certainly a paradise on earth for many tourists. Many of them have even settled down over here purchasing a beach home after their retirement from their monotonous and boring life back in their home town. It is also very important that you plan your trip months ahead before you venture into your summer vacation. Planning for a trip is an overhead task and you need time in order to come up with a proper plan and execute it. It doesn’t end with purchasing flight tickets to Florida but rather goes on with how many people are going to accompany you, what are your lodging requirements, what kind of clothes do you need to purchase for adapting to the climatic condition, what are the places within the destination you are planning to visit, how long is the trip going to last, and finally deciding on your budget and deciding upon a destination that fits into your budget. Florida might lay a great imposition on your wallet, but then it is a place you ought to visit at least once in your lifetime. It has so much to offer and thus worth every penny you invest into the trip. As far as the lodging goes, many people expect a vacation filled with privacy to spend quality time with the ones that matter to them. Many expect to stay together with their entire group throughout the trip. Some expects to save some of their budget on food and look for self catering facilities to enjoy some of the home made delicacies during the trip and not order out all the time. If you are a person who fits into this category, Florida villas is the ideal place for your lodging as it offers all of the above mentioned requirements unlike hotels and motels.

There are many websites only sharing details about Florida as well as Orlando Villas, condo rentals etc. Use them wisely to plan your summer vacation to visit the Sunshine State.…

Vacation Rentals

Vacation Rentals

Vacation Rentals offer the best lodgings for any occasion. It brings clients and owners to work together as these clients go for their vacation. Vacation rentals offer an alternative to hotels because it is more spacious, private and comfortable. These homes are also where families lived and they have just decided to rent out the place for a specific period of time. As you book for a vacation, you can choose from a variety of vacation rentals ranging from apartments, cottages, condos and even castles! You can get more than just a place where you can cook your meals or sleep because these vacation rentals are fully furnished.

You are conscious about your budget and this is the reason why you go on vacation rentals. This is very cost effective because the price you pay for a person is relatively lower than if you pay at the hotel. There are no extra costs because you book directly to the owner. Simply put, you have 30% savings as you go for vacation rentals. Moreover, you do not even have to get a travel agency to book you which add up to your expenses. Just check if the owners allow you to bring your pet.

Vacation rental homes should make you feel your home away from home. Furthermore, it is a new type of vacation where you can devote much of your time with your family. You have plenty of time to spend without being disturbed while children are running and you can always cook your own food and serve a buffet. You can just relax in the terrace while you are under the stars and drink your favorite coffee. You determine your own schedule. You also enjoy the experience of being with the local people and the chance to meet them. Other vacation rental homes have their own private pool or sometimes their own fireplace.

If you want to have an unforgettable experience, then you have to check on the different features a vacation rentals offer. They always make sure that your stay is a memorable one, so you can ask the owners a lot of things so that you will truly enjoy your stay in a particular location especially for those who are living in the city and they want to experience rural life in a farm. Vacation rentals also offer vacation in the farm which is another alternative to the beach. Consequently, if you have a family and you want your children to experience the joy of being surrounded by farm animals, this is the best way to do it. Likewise, children need to rest from their schoolwork and this opportunity provides great adventure for them. The open air will do them much good which is another option to city life. You may want to touch the animals or just simply ride the bicycle. This provides hands-on instruction for children. They will also know where eggs, milk, and other farm products. These are the possibilities for relaxing.…

US Passports – Everything You Need to Know

US Passports – Everything You Need to Know

Did you know that now you even need to have a US passport to travel within North America? Until a few years ago, you could pass over the Canadian border and back with just a copy of your birth certificate and driver’s license. For this reason, having a passport is one of the most important things to do if you are considering traveling abroad or within North America, between countries anytime soon.

It really is a kind of complicated process to get your passport, so it really does require some planning. These are some of the things you’ll need when applying for a new US passport: proof of citizenship (original or certified copy of birth certificate, old passport, or naturalization papers; new passport photos (must be identical and taken within the past 6 months); proof of identification (driver’s license or state-issued ID at least 6 months old or government/military ID works).

Children also need their own passports, even if they are newborns and infants. Minors under age 16 must apply in person. Children 16 and under have to have consent from both parents. Minors aged 17 and 18 have additional requirements. Most of the requirements for a minor to get a passport are the same as those required for adults.

It is possible to get a passport quickly if you have all of these documents in order, but you will probably have to pay more than the standard fee for an expedited one. It is also possible to get a passport quickly if it is a life or death emergency. It is best to look at the State Department website for details, but you will need proof of travel, and you must appear in person at a passport agency.

Finally, too many people make the mistake of not keeping their passport in a safe place while traveling. Too often, there are stories of people having to change trips, return home, or scurry around to embassies in foreign countries because they were careless. The best tip is to keep your passport safely concealed on your person at all times and to keep a copy at your hotel.…

A Fruitful Vacation

A Fruitful Vacation

Making most of your time in New York

There are plenty of vacation spots in the city and you need to guarantee the New York City vacation rentals so that you can enjoy these benefits. Western New York is particularly buoyant and interesting for the younger generation. In the Buffalo area you will get some cultural shocks but also some learning about the history of the place. The entertainment is up there with London and Paris. If you like the Chicken Wings cuisine then Buffalo is the area for you. The Birthplace and Anchor Bar are very popular with tourists. In the Chippewa Entertainment District you will find some interesting clubs. You can improve your knowledge by visiting the Art Pack in Lewiston. This is a historical location with some archeological gems to savor. The people that like the outdoors can go fishing or even take a hike. The visual arts entertainment center will give you some memorable moments.

The tourists that like high culture can visit the Lucy Desi museum. It is said that this is a living celebration of the life and times of Lucille Ball in Jamestown. The Chautauqua Lake has views that are worth a million dollars. The New York City vacation rentals market ensures that you get a good mix of landmarks and localities. The Finger Lakes region also comes with joys of its own. The people that enjoy nature tours will love the Letchworth State Park. The city boasts up to seventy wineries. You can shop for some little alcoholic gem to take back home.

The children will love the glassmaking tours where they can make their own products in due course. The Corning Museum of Glass is a formidable monument with one of the best glass collections in the world. The Rochester area is full of historical landmarks such as the George Eastman House. You can also visit the Susan B Anthony House. The Lilac Festival is held within the vicinity. There is a ferry that goes between Rochester and Toronto so you might even go off to Canada on a whim. Another monument is the Armory Square in Syracuse. This is where you can really go for the shopping spree in a big way.

We also have the wonders of the Everson Museum of Art. The Carrier Dome has become very popular with the touring populations. It is the largest domed stadium on a college campus and is certainly of historical importance. The Finger Lakes offer plenty of opportunities to enjoy water based activities. The New York City vacation rentals allow you to enjoy all these wonderful things within the vicinity of your accommodation. The Leather- Stocking areas has some wonderful attractions as well as the Albany Saratoga region. The Roberson Museum in Binghamton is a great find with the science center competing for the position of most interesting monument. The Soccer Hall of Fame will appeal to the sports fans. The Saratoga Race course is also popular with tourists. The location of your trip will determine how far you have to travel to the spots.…